A former lobbyist was arrested yesterday in the Abramoff scandal, according to this report.
The FBI today arrested Kevin Ring, a former lobbyist, for his alleged role in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal. Justice Department officials said that the FBI arrested Ring this morning at his Maryland home. He is charged in a 10-count public-corruption indictment, the officials said. Ring is a former congressional staffer for Rep. John Doolittle (R-Ca.)
The indictment charges Ring with conspiring with Abramoff and others to corrupt congressional and executive-branch officials by providing things of value to several public officials “to induce or reward those who took official actions benefiting Ring and his clients.”
As reported by the Associated Press, Ring is a one-time congressional aide who went on to
work with jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Ring, 37, pleaded not guilty to a 10-count federal
indictment that accuses him of conspiring with Abramoff to win assistance from congressional and executive-branch officials by giving them things of value, and helping them skirt requirements to report those gifts.He appeared in federal court unshaven, his hair rumpled, wearing shorts and a T-shirt and occasionally fighting back tears as he exchanged glances with his wife.