AbovetheLaw.com discusses the legal blogging return on investment and expectations in this interesting post.
The most innovative attorneys and law firms have been using blogs for years now; will the rest of Biglaw follow suit anytime soon? I am too young to remember when email was first introduced into law firms, but I’ve been told there was a big uproar over whether or not email should be allowed in law firms. Was it a danger to privacy and confidentiality? Was it leaving clients exposed?
Then one day, suddenly everybody was using it. Perhaps that’s how it will happen with blogs and social media at law firms. One cold February morning, when things are slow and there is nothing else going on, the rest of Biglaw will decide to log on and join the party.
Great post, considering the fact that big law firms will do whatever it takes to be the best, I find it surprising that more firms did not take advantage of social networking earlier. Blogging and social networking sites are a good way to get noticed, but I just read an article on how some firms are skeptical about using these tools because of security issues. This is unfortunate because many law firms are running successful ad campaigns on facebook and Twitter.