Good morning. Here are a few of the items I’ve seen this morning.
The fate of the Office of Congressional Ethics
Is the topic of this Times editorial.
The trial of Charlie Rangel
Two from the Times here and here. The take from the Post is here. How Rangel paid his lawyers is the topic of this report.
Earmarks in the news
The head of the American League of Lobbyists addresses a proposed earmark ban here.
Dave Wenhold, the league’s president, said members of Congress would not be representing voters’ interests if they adopted the “foolish” proposal to ban earmarking.
Lobbyists in Lansing
Look here.
Michigan lobbyists reported spending $17.8 million on lawmakers’ meals, travel, lodging, gifts and tickets to events the first seven months of 2010. Last year, they spent at least $32.1 million, according to figures compiled by the nonpartisan Michigan Campaign Finance Network.