FARA e-file, Palin 2.0, poker lobbying, and more in today’s political law links

FOREIGN AGENTS REGISTRATION ACT E-FILING. A Department of Justice press release announced a new program on e-filing for FARA reports and more information is available here.  “Called FARA eFile, the system enables FARA registrants to electronically file documents with the FARA Registration Unit, which is part of the Counterespionage Section of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.”

K STREET EXIT. Roll Call reports.  “Jay Cranford, a policy aide to Speaker John Boehner, is leaving the Hill to join the lobby shop Clark Lytle & Geduldig as a partner in May.”

PALIN 2.0.  A new site is launched.  The Hill.

BACHMANN BOOK DEAL? The Hill.Many of Bachmann’s likely rivals for the Republican nomination have written books, an opportunity for a potential candidate to define themselves without the filter of the media or the interference of critics.”

ONLINE POKER LOBBYING. From The Times. “For the past four years, the foreign companies that control the global Internet poker industry have helped bankroll an elaborate lobbying campaign here, seeking to keep the United States from shutting their American operations down.”

LOBBYIST FEES IN TEXAS. They’re going up.  Story here.


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