Political law links for Monday, May 9th

HEARING ON DRAFT EO. The House Small Business Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will hold a joint full committee hearing on Thursday at 1:30 p.m.  “Politicizing Procurement: Will President Obama’s Proposal Curb Free Speech and Hurt Small Business?” will be in Rayburn.  More here.

THE CHAMBER, TARGET, AND THE DRAFT EO. Story here.  “Any order would affect dozens of Minnesota companies that receive federal contracts and actively donate to political campaigns. That includes most of the state’s biggest businesses and virtually every economic sector — from banking to retail to medical technology to manufacturing to farming.”

EO SUPPORT.  In this Baltimore Sun editorial.

HUNTSMAN AND SELF-FINANCING. Gov. Hunstman made comments on self-financing here.  “’If we were to get in the race, no self-financing,’ he said at the South Carolina state capitol, in his first extensive comments to reporters since he resigned. ‘Unless you can raise it legitimately, you don’t win. I learned that running for governor.'”

FIRM WILL REGISTER FOR WORK DONE. Roll Call reports on the Monitor Group’s work for Libya here.  “A Massachusetts consulting firm announced Friday that it will retroactively register its work for Moammar Gadhafi and Libya with the Department of Justice after an internal investigation concluded it had sidestepped federal laws that require companies to disclose work done on behalf of foreign governments.”

DONORS FOR 2012. The Times reports on fundraising progress.  “The vaunted Republican network of high-dollar donors and fund-raisers, for so long a fear factor for Democrats, has been slow to commit itself to the 2012 presidential candidates, contributing to the faltering start of the party’s drive to unseat President Obama.”

AD MENTIONING BROWN DRAWS COMPLAINT. Story here.  “The Massachusetts Republican Party will formally file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against the League of Women Voters Monday over an ad the group launched targeting Sen. Scott Brown for a vote on air pollution.”

TIMES ON D INDEPENDENT GROUP. The Times editorializes on the Democrats’ new independent group here.  “The initial money will come from the Service Employees International Union and Jeffrey Katzenberg, the Hollywood producer, but more will inevitably begin to flow in from other unions and wealthy Democrats.”

CAMPAIGN FINES DROPPING. In Colorado.  “The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office has formally approved new rules that will guide reduction of campaign finance fines, even for candidates or committees guilty of ‘willful’ violations of the law.”


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