GAS ADS IN THE NEWS. Politico. “The group launching a $3.6 million ad campaign hitting President Barack Obama on gasoline prices has deep ties to the billionaire libertarian industrialists Charles and David Koch.” SENATE DISCLOSE ACT HEARING VIDEO AND STATEMENTS. … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2012
BUCKLEY AND SEVERABILITY. Did you catch Paul Clement’s discussion of Buckley during yesterday’s argument? His references to the case didn’t generate any specific questions. All of the audio is online here. In part, Clement argued: “This Court struck down the … Continue reading
TOMORROW’S DISCLOSE ACT HEARING. The witness list is online here. CIVIL PENALTY IN RANGEL MATTER. Story here. “Veteran congressman Rep. Charles Rangel and his campaign have agreed to pay a $23,000 civil penalty in a settlement over the use of … Continue reading