Political law links for Friday, March 2, 2012

KOCH RESPONDS TO OFA LETTER. Here. “Despite this most recent effort at intimidation, we will not be silenced or compromise our principled positions on issues, nor relinquish our rights to privacy and free speech.”


TOP D DONORS.  Politico.  “After spending $200 million trying to oust President George W. Bush in 2004, big liberal donors are hesitant to jump back into the outside money game, even as Republican super PACs emerge as the Goliaths of 2012.”

UNION WEBSITE WORK.  Story here.  “The nation’s largest labor federation launched a revamped websiteThursday with an eye toward mobilizing the grass roots this fall.”

EDWARDS TRIAL DATE SET. Story here. ” A federal campaign finance case against former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards will go to trial in April, U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles said on Thursday.”

EARMARK REFORM.  The Times.  “The House overwhelmingly approved legislation Thursday to allow construction of a new $700 million bridge between Minnesota and Wisconsin, a project that has drawn comparisons to earmarks and required a Congressional exemption from a landmark environmental law.”

GA MULLS LOBBYIST CAP. Story here. “Some Georgia lawmakers want to cap the amount of money lobbyists can spend on lawmakers each day.”

ETHICS IN MD. Story here. “With the censure of Maryland Sen. Ulysses S. Currie still reverberating around the State House, state lawmakers are nearing decisions on ethics reforms they hope will prevent another scandal like the one that enveloped the state’s longtime budget committee chair.”

CAMPAIGN FINANCE CHANGES IN NE. Story here. “Nebraska’s Campaign Finance Limitation Act hasn’t been enforced since last year, after the U.S. Supreme Court threw out a similar Arizona law. But supporters are trying to revive the Nebraska version, in arguments the state Supreme Court will hear next Wednesday.”

VT GROUP SUBJECT OF AG OPINION. Story here. “The Vermont Attorney General’s Office has determined that a radio advertisement aired recently by Campaign for Vermont did not trigger the provisions of Vermont’s campaign finance laws.”


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