TODAY CANCELED. The Times. “Organizers on Saturday evening canceled Monday’s scheduled events, citing safety concerns. Forecasters said Tampa was still likely to see a storm surge that could cause flooding in low-lying areas, including the Tampa convention center.” The revised schedule is online here.
CONVENTION FINANCING. Roll Call. “This year, the political costs of making a big splash in Tampa seem to outweigh the benefits, according to more than a dozen lobbyists and consultants representing major outfits.”
K ST. AND THE CONVENTIONS. The Hill. “Limited access to lawmakers dampened enthusiasm on K Street for this week’s Republican National Convention, leading many lobbyists to keep a low profile or skip the festivities altogether.”
WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE CONVENTIONS? The Times. “When thousands of delegates, elected officials and party leaders begin arriving in Tampa, Fla., for the Republican National Convention, hundreds of lobbyists, corporate executives, trade associations and donors will be waiting for them, exploiting legal loopholes — and the fun-house atmosphere — that make each party’s quadrennial conventions a gathering of money and influence unrivaled in politics.”
BLURRED LINES. Story here. “While some of the events are well advertised and open to the public, private schedules, prepared for GOP fundraisers and obtained by NBC News, show that this year’s convention will once again provide a unique opportunity for lobbyists and big dollar donors to wine and dine lawmakers — and press their agendas.”
THE POST: WHO’S PAYING? Here. “Although various corporate sponsors adorn the Republicans’ convention Web site, they’re also not filing until Oct. 15. The Democrats, however, have claimed for themselves the moral high ground.”
GROUPS ON AIR. Politico. “Conservative groups are dropping thousands of dollars to help keep the spotlight in Tampa on Mitt Romney during this week’s Republican National Convention.”
TRANSFERS. Politico. “Romney Victory, a joint fundraising committee set up by Romney’s campaign and the Republican National Committee, on the last day of July transferred $1.5 million each to the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee.”
ABRUPT REFUNDS. Story here. “A failed Democratic congressional candidate whose campaign is under federal grand jury investigation abruptly amended his financial disclosures to show he loaned himself nearly $53,000 more than he originally reported.”
TXT $. The Post. “President Obama’s reelection campaign will begin accepting donations sent by text messages this week, marking the first foray into a potentially lucrative new avenue of grass-roots fundraising for federal candidates.”
WEEKEND BOX OFFICE REPORT. Politico. “Hollywood may have run out of summer hits, but an anti-Obama documentary is helping to fill the gap.”
PATRICK PAC EXPENSES. Story here. “The goal of the PAC was to raise money to pay for [Gov. Deval] Patrick’s travels and other activities for Obama and the national Democratic Party.”
SC: PROPOSED REFORMS. Story here. “Gov. Nikki Haley and Attorney General Alan Wilson toured the state last week with a package of ethics reforms that should become South Carolina law.”