10.23.18 political law links

LOBBYING MACHINE.   WP.  “The question isn’t why organizations are distancing themselves from Saudi Arabia now; the real question is why did Washington wait to sour on the Saudis? The short answer: the Saudis’ extraordinary spending on influence in the United States.”

MA:  QUESTIONS ON MEASURE.   WBGH.  “If it passes, it would create a commission that would write a report on limiting money in politics and propose language for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution — the 28th — that would help regulate campaign spending.”

NC:  COORDINATION ALLEGED.   NO. “The N.C. Republican Party has filed a campaign finance complaint against N.C. Supreme Court Democratic candidate Anita Earls over an ad produced by her campaign that’s now being broadcast by a dark money group.”

OR:  TRANSPARENCY SOUGHT.   PH. “The amendment, sponsored by City Councilor Belinda Ray, who is up for re-election, calls for an additional report to be filed 42 days before the election – a requirement that already exists for state-level races. Portland’s charter amendment would only apply to candidates, not political action or ballot question committees.”

SD:  BALLOT MEASURE ON CAMPAIGN FINANCE.   AL. “The fight over South Dakota’s campaign finance and ethics law isn’t over.”

TN:  WHAT ARE LIMITS.   KTN.  “In Tennessee, campaign contribution limits have gone up for the 2018 elections based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.”


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