2.27.20 political law links

CA: CITY REFORM. MCW. “Marina’s is indeed a flawed ordinance, capping individual donations at $200 but allowing candidates to self-fund with no limit – something O’Connell, a retired attorney, says was a problem because of free speech protections.”

ME: NO SLUSH. PH. “No candidate or elected official should be profiting off our political system, specifically profiting off political constitutions from lobbyists, special interest groups, and the very corporate entities we are supposed to be regulating.”

MI: COMPLAINT AGAINST GROUP. CNG. “At press time, the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office was reviewing multiple alleged campaign violations filed by the head of a pro-marijuana advocacy group, in relation to the upcoming March 10 ballot proposal.”

NYC: BALLOT MEASURE REPORTING. GG. “City Council Member Brad Lander, a Brooklyn Democrat, is introducing legislation on Thursday that would close a loophole in city campaign finance law that currently allows groups to hide their donors when they try to influence voting on a ballot referendum.”


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