12.9 political law links

MYSTERY SOURCE. FNN. “A new Republican super political action committee, Peachtree PAC, is starting a $43 million TV ad campaign in Georgia on Wednesday, adding to the surge of money being poured into two Senate runoff elections that will determine control of the chamber and the trajectory of President-elect Joe Biden’s agenda.”

ONE CLAIM DISMISSED. FEC. “The Court noted that it is immaterial that the FEC has not conducted a further investigation, as an information-injury inquiry turns on the nature of the information that would be revealed, and no further information would be uncovered by additional investigation. The Court concluded that because of this, the Plaintiffs do not have standing to bring a FECA claim, and therefore dismissed that claim.”

LEARNING ABOUT MONEY. BC. “For fresh examples of why we need to reform our political system, look no further than the past 12 months.”

FAMILY PAID. FNN. “Karen Waters received a total of about $240,000 from her 82-year-old mother’s campaign during the election cycle, Federal Election Commission records show.”

PA: COORDINATION DENIED. INQ. “No one has accused Zaborney’s firm or RSLC of wrongdoing. But good-government and campaign-finance experts said the arrangement is another example of how weak state and federal campaign-finance rules — combined with meager oversight — create gray areas and loopholes.”

TN: FACING HEARINGS. DNJ. “Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron will face audit hearings in 2021 on campaign finance violation accusations, a state board decided Monday.”

TX: MAYOR FINED. DN. “The Texas Ethics Commission cited Williams for accepting contributions from two corporations and for not reporting the names and addresses of some individual campaign donors.”