Breaking news late today in the Stevens trial: a hearing on defendant’s motion for a mistrial.
First Judge Sullivan brought up integrity. “How can the court have confidence that the Public Integrity Section has integrity?” he said, referring to the division at the Department of Justice charged with prosecuting this case.
Then lead prosecutor Brenda Morris practically pleaded for her job. “This is causing undue stress,” she said, her head bobbing, her voice rising to panic levels. “We are career prosecutors here. My word is my bond. Even Mr. Sullivan would tell you that,” she said pointing to the defense table. “Well maybe not at this time,” she reconsidered.
“We take our responsibility very seriously…We do this because we love our jobs and we believe in justice.”
And finally, lead defense attorney Brendan Sullivan, wagging his fingers and pounding the table, mightily proclaimed that the prosecution’s star witness was a liar.