UPDATE: 1/21/10: The Supreme Court announced its opinion in Citizens United v. FEC today. A link to the opinion is on the right in my links section. Check PoliticalActivityLaw.com for the latest updates.
UPDATE: 12/8/09: Maybe today? Check here for the latest.
UPDATE: 12/2/09: Check here for the latest!
UPDATE: 11/23/09: When? The opinion is now expected after Thanksgiving.
UPDATE: 11/3/09: Check here for the latest.
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9/15/09: It’s been about a week since the reargument in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, a Supreme Court case that could have a major impact on the way corporations can participate in the political process.
If you need to learn more about the issues (and it involves more than whether or not Austin will be overruled, of course) visit SCOTUSWiki’s entry for Citizens United here.
When will the opinion be announced? The answer: “Who knows?” McConnell was argued on September 8, 2003 and the opinion was announced on December 10, 2003.
HasAustinBeenOverruled.com was created to capture some of the high interest in Citizens United and to provide a resource by collecting links relating to the issues involved in the important case. This post and the site will certainly be updated after the opinion is announced.
(For the curious, the title of this post includes http://bit.ly/1VIJve. This is a shortened URL that will take you to HasAustinBeenOverruled.com. Why shorten a perfectly good URL? Because on Twitter, every character counts. The titles of all of my posts are automatically distributed on Twitter for those who prefer to access this site through the links posted on my Twitter stream.)
UPDATE: 9/16/09: OMB Watch discusses Citizens United here.
UPDATE: 9/17/09: The WSJ discusses Justice Sotomayor’s view on corporation personhood here.
Judges “created corporations as persons, gave birth to corporations as persons,” she said. “There could be an argument made that that was the court’s error to start with…[imbuing] a creature of state law with human characteristics.”
UPDATE: 9/22/09: The Times has an editorial discussing the status of corporations under the law.
UPDATE: 9/25/09: There have been some developments regarding some Justices of the Supreme Court.
UPDATE: 9/28/09: A Salon editorial discusses Citizens United here.
UPDATE: 10/4/09: The Post looks at the future of the Court and discusses Citizens United.
UPDATE: 10/21/09: Senators Feingold and McCain spoke about Citizens United on the Senate floor today.