Twitter is testing a new list function, according to this report.
. . . Lists [is] a new feature we’re testing with a small subset of users. The idea is to allow people to curate lists of Twitter accounts. For example, you could create a list of the funniest Twitter accounts of all time, athletes, local businesses, friends, or any compilation that makes sense.
Lists are public by default (but can be made private), and the lists you’ve created are linked from your profile. Other Twitter users can then subscribe to your lists. This means lists have the potential to be an important new discovery mechanism for great tweets and accounts.
In other Twitter news, a new Rutgers University study analyzes what kind of uses people are making of the service. Based on your tweets, are you an “informer” or a “meformer?”
“Informers” are more likely to post messages that share information (such as news links), where “meformers” tend to focus on what the researchers call “Me Now” messages – posts that update a user’s followers about that users thoughts, location or immediate situation.