APP FOR POLITICS. LAT. “Finding out where your favorite brands lie on the political spectrum is now as easy as scanning bar codes with your iPhone.”
AL: CONTRIBUTION ALLEGATIONS. “The Democratic candidate for Alabama attorney general on Monday accused his Republican opponent of breaking state law by accepting a campaign donation from the campaign account of former U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile.”
AZ: COMPLAINT FILED. “State Senate candidate Scott Bartle filed a complaint Friday with the Secretary of State and the Citizens Clean Elections Commission against his Legislative District 11 Republican primary opponent, Steve Smith.”
CT: DGA GIVES. “The Democratic Governors Association donated $1.25 million to Connecticut Forward, the Super PAC formed to help Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s re-election efforts.”
FL: SUPER PAC FORMED. New Times. “[Cheryl] Shuman has been scrambling to put together a super PAC in time for the elections. She says that plans for ‘Moms for Marijuana’ were finalized only last Thursday and that she plans to register with the Federal Elections Commission this week. Currently, there are only three other marijuana-themed super PACS registered, and none of them has raised any cash.”
MA: LOBBYING FIRM IN THE NEWS. Boston Herald. “A politically wired Beacon Hill lobbying firm let off with a light penalty by Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Martha Coakley for a possible violation of state law hosted a fundraiser for Coakley’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2009, the Herald has learned.”
NY: FREE SPEECH CONCERNS. Fox. “The New York State Board of Elections has enacted emergency regulations to keep a closer eye on political spending by special interest groups, but critics say the changes are over-reaching and will stifle free speech.”
OH: WHAT’S NEW? “Democratic gubernatorial nominee Ed FitzGerald’s campaign confirmed yesterday that it is diverting money back to the Ohio Democratic Party’s ‘field and voter turnout program’ in an apparent nod to what party leaders have been saying for a week.”
TN: A FIRST. Leaf-Chronicle. “For the first time in its history, the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance board has voted to audit a local candidate’s campaign finance reports, in this case a candidate from Montgomery County.”
TX: PAYING THE LAWYERS. “Texas Gov. Rick Perry will pay for his own defense against two felony indictments, the Texas Tribune reported Wednesday night.”