AMENDMENT WON’T WORK. “Legislators need to look beyond the old, broken ideas of placing limits and restrictions on raising and spending money.”
GUILTY PLEA. Newsday. “Diana Durand, a Houston woman who came under scrutiny last year in the federal investigation of Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm, pleaded guilty Wednesday to making illegal campaign contributions to Grimm and another congressman.”
FL: ETHICS AMENDMENT MOVES. “Tallahassee city commissioners agreed unanimously to place on fall ballots a proposed charter amendment that would create a new ethics officer and board, place a lower cap on campaign contributions and allow for limited public financing of campaigns.”
MA: NEW LAW OVERVIEW. Lexology. “On August 1, 2014, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick signed House Bill No. 4366 amending the state’s campaign finance laws. The amendments, among other things, increase the contribution limit for individual contributors to candidates and establish disclosure requirements for certain entities that make independent expenditures.”
VA: EVENT RULES. WP. “One explanation for the increase in the number of events and overall lower amount of money spent could be that the gatherings were less posh. Lobbyists might have expanded the legal practice of spreading entertainment costs across multiple clients.”
WI: COMPANY SPENDING FOCUS. “The recent disclosure that Gogebic Taconite donated $700,000 to a Wisconsin political group is the latest example of how the mining company and its supporters used money, influence and the allure of jobs to persuade lawmakers to relax state environmental regulations.”