Political law links

CAMPAIGN FINANCE ISSUE. Trib.com. “Among the issues facing the state and country, two stand out as most concerning to Curt Gottshall, an independent challenging U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo.: money in politics and domestic spying.”

SUPER PAC HELP. Northjersey.com. “The influence of super PACs is evident in both campaigns, though Booker has decried their impact on elections.”

FORMER LOBBYIST WRITES. Mlive.com. “Try this: Kalamazoo’s George Franklin has spun a humorous and captivating tale that weaves politics, history and business into a surprisingly readable book.”

FL: FLIPPED LOBBYIST AVOIDS PRISON. Miami Herald. “Candia would embark on a journey that transformed him from a dirty insider who took cash in exchange for political favors to a humbled cooperating witness who helped the U.S. government win convictions of a local mayor and another lobbyist, according to his defense attorney and prosecutors.”

NY: LOBBYIST TRAINING. Times Union. “Registered lobbyists in New York are now able to take an online ethics training course that was mandated in the 2011 law that created the Joint Commission on Public Ethics.”

NY: WHAT’S NEXT. Gotham Gazette. “The CFB’s election report does indeed include the possibility of raising spending limits for participants in the program, along with the possibility of lowering the amount of money that any candidate, whether participating in the matching funds program or not, can accept from donors.”

MD: PUBLIC FINANCING PROSPECTS. WP. “Public funding has been in place at the presidential level since 1976. Nearly half of the 50 states, including Maryland, and a handful of cities have some form of taxpayer subsidy for campaigns. Montgomery’s plan, sponsored by council member Phil Andrews (D-Rockville-Gaithersburg), will come before the council on Tuesday and is likely to pass.”

OH: LOBBYIST PLEA. Dispatch.com. “Another lobbyist has pleaded guilty to criminal charges related to giving a Cincinnati Bengals ticket to a lawmaker. Eyes will now turn to the Joint Legislative Ethics Committee to see if any lawmakers find themselves in court soon.”


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