SUPER PAC REPORTS. ABC. “Some of the most powerful political committees faced a Wednesday deadline to reveal how much cash they raised and spent during July, August and September. It was likely to be one the last times before Nov. 4’s elections that voters could see how millions of dollars were flowing into outside campaign groups.”
BLOOMBERG GIVES. AJC. “Former New York City mayor, media tycoon and gun control advocate Michael Bloomberg gave $350,000 to a pro-Michelle Nunn Super PAC last month, making him easily the biggest single benefactor to her campaign.”
AD HALT. Courier Journal. “The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee appears to be pulling out of Kentucky and leaving Alison Lundergan Grimes by herself to battle Mitch McConnell and the political action committees that have been hammering her with millions of dollars in television ads for months.”
CA: CALPERS NEWS. “The FPPC is fining Mathur for failing to file four campaign finance statements in connection with her recent successful bid for re-election to the CalPERS board.”
FL: DEBATE MOU NEWS. WP. “On Wednesday night, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) refused (for a short time) to take the debate stage with former governor Charlie Crist (D), reportedly because Crist had a fan — something he often uses during public appearances — at his feet.”
MT: RADIO AD COMPLAINT. “Democratic candidate for Senate District 42 Jill Cohenour has filed a complaint with the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices against her Republican opponent Joe Dooling over a radio ad that both candidates agree did not include his party affiliation.”
NV: STATE OF PLAY. Las Vegas Sun. “Nevada voters get a new look today at who’s spending money to influence upcoming state and local elections.”
PAY TO PLAY AWAITING SAY. ABC. “Legislation to end pay-to-play politics in state contracts is awaiting the signature of Governor Tom Corbett.”
PA: RULES TIGHT. “Philadelphia’s Board of Ethics approved a series of amendments to the city’s campaign-finance rules Wednesday, the most significant aimed at tightening restrictions on what constitutes a third party’s support of a candidate.”
VA: THE JUROR. WP. “The juror who was mysteriously excused midway through the public corruption case against former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, was let go because he called a lawyer he knew and mentioned his jury service — although both he and the lawyer said their conversation did not go far beyond that, court records show.”
WI: RANDA RULES. “U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa on Tuesday barred state election officials and Milwaukee’s top prosecutor from enforcing their interpretation of campaign finance laws limiting the ability of candidates and purportedly independent groups from collaborating.”