Political law links

NPR ON THE RULES.   NPR.  “A huge amount of what we call outside spending, which is super PACs and political nonprofits that can’t coordinate with candidates but can spend whatever they want – a huge amount of that money is pouring through groups that don’t disclose anything in real time about their donors and disclose only a little bit about what they’re spending.”

SUPER PAC DOMINATION.  USAT.  “Forty-two of the nation’s superwealthy have donated nearly $200 million to super PACs to shape next week’s midterm elections, according to a USA TODAY analysis of contributions of $1 million or more.”

LOBBYISTS AND SUPER PACS.  The Hill.  “Democratic lobbyists have ponied up for outside spending groups in the midterm elections cycle, contributing up to $25,000 per check in the battle for the House and Senate.”

EXHAUSTING SYSTEM.  Boston Globe.  “When all is said and spent, the 2014 midterms will be record-setting in several dubious categories…”

CA:  REIMBURSEMENT EVIDENCE.  OCregister.com.  “Documents show illegal money laundering in county Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s 2012 campaign and six donors have admitted being reimbursed for their political contributions, according to court filings by the state Fair Political Practices Commission.”

FL: BONDI RESPONDS.  Post on Politics.  “Attorney General Pam Bondi, featured prominently in a New York Times article about corporate lobbyists using campaign contributions and other blandishments to influence attorneys general around the U.S., defended her record today during a campaign stop in Palm Beach County.”

NY:  DEBLASIO MOVES.  NYDN.  “Mayor de Blasio steered at least one massive donation to an upstate Democratic committee that promptly funneled the money to two state Senate candidates — taking advantage of a huge loophole in campaign finance rules.”

OH:  STATE REP.  PLEA.  Cleveland.com.  ” State Rep. Dale Mallory, a Cincinnati Democrat, pleaded guilty Wednesday to charges that he illegally accepted NFL tickets from lobbyists and failed to disclose the gifts.”

OR:  LARGEST DONATION.  WWeek.com.  In the news is a “$4.46 million check that Dupont Pioneer, an Iowa-based agri-business company, dumped into the No on 92 campaign, which is seeking to block the labeling of genetically modified foods.”

WI:  WHO’S GIVING.  Madison.com.  “About two-thirds of the money raised by the Republican Party of Wisconsin this year came from donors who contributed more than $10,000.  For the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, about 40 percent of funds raised came from donors who gave more than $10,000.”


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