1-14 political law links

TOMORROW AT THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION. The meeting agenda is online here.

SUPER PAC UP. Hill. “A conservative super-PAC will begin running ads on Wednesday accusing Comcast of overseeing the creation of biased, liberal news at NBC and MSNBC, both of which it owns.”

CA: ILLEGAL CONTRIBUTIONS ALLEGED. Courthousenews.com. “A former employee sued political lobbyist Kevin Sloat and his firm Sloat Higgens Jensen & Associates, in a tale alleging unreported campaign donations, lavish gifts and accounting fraud.”

IL: LOBBYIST BAN EO. JG-TC. “Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has issued an executive order banning some state employees from negotiating for a lobbying job while working for the state.”

NJ: CLC CHRISTIE HIT. NJ.com. “The Washington-based watchdog group headed by comedian Stephen Colbert’s election lawyer has asked the New Jersey State Ethics Commission to investigate Gov. Chris Christie’s acceptance of free flights and tickets from the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, who has a share in a company that holds a Port Authority hospitality services contract.”

NY: BILL ON FEES. Times Ledger. “The Astoria Democrat said he is drafting legislation to prevent New York from having to repeat its recent move in paying a $2.4 million refund to former Sen. Majority Leader Joseph Bruno’s dormant war chest and legal fund following his acquittal on federal corruption charges.”

UT: LATE TRAINING. Stltrib.com. “Legislative rules require Utah lawmakers to complete three short, ethics training exercises online by the end of each year. Many of them cut it close in 2014, and a few missed the deadline.”

TX: HOUSTON BLACKOUT PERIOD NEWS. Najvar Law Firm. “Last Friday afternoon, a federal court in Houston issued an injunction prohibiting the City from enforcing section 18-35(a) of the code of ordinances, which for more than twenty years has forced candidates to wait until February of the election year to begin raising funds.”

WI: CFR OVERHAUL. Press Gazette. “The board that oversees Wisconsin elections is poised to ask lawmakers to overhaul the state’s campaign finance laws.”

WI: COMPLICATED DOE. Watchdog.org. “If Chapter 11, Wisconsin’s campaign financing statutes, is too difficult for all but the most beautiful campaign finance minds to decipher, why did the agency pair up with Democrat Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm on an investigation that relies on a strained interpretation of Chapter 11?”


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