16 527. WP. “[Scott] Walker’s committee is different than some others created by aspiring presidential candidates. It is not a so-called leadership PAC but rather is a ‘527,’ so labeled for the portion of the federal tax code that provides its tax-exempt status.”
SENATE TO VOTE ON CAMPAIGN FINANCE. NJ. “In a floor speech Tuesday, Whitehouse made it clear that the amendment was designed to get more disclosures about the flood of so-called dark money spending from the Koch Brothers and others in the fossil fuel industry.”
CA: CAP APPROVED. Seaside Courier. “The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 Tuesday to tentatively approve caps on the amount of money political parties can donate to candidates for county offices.”
FL: WAIVER ISSUE. Miami Herald. “Tally at least one victory for Uber Technologies over Miami-Dade County.”
IN: CHANGE OF PLANS. Indystar.com. “House Education Chairman Robert Behning announced in a letter Friday that he is no longer seeking to lobby on behalf of a student-testing company, following questions about the ethics of his proposal.”
KS: CHANGE SUPPORTED. Kansas.com. “People could spend up to $1,000 to sway lawmakers without registering as a lobbyist under a bill proposed Monday.”
TX: DONATION QUESTIONED. Mysanantonio.com. “Krista Briones, the estranged wife of local engineering firm owner and failed City Council candidate Rolando Briones, gave $1,000 to mayoral candidate Leticia Van de Putte, according to a campaign finance report. There’s one problem, however: Krista Briones said she never made the contribution.”
TX: PERRY CASE UPDATE. Bloomberg. “Rick Perry failed to persuade a Texas judge to throw out an ethics violation case on claims the state constitution protects a governor’s right to say whatever he wants about his official powers.”
TX: BACK TO COURT. Expressnews.com. “Empower Texans President Michael Quinn Sullivan and the Texas Ethics Commission are scheduled to tangle in state district court in Denton County for the first formal hearing in Sullivan’s appeal of a TEC ruling charging him with flouting state law by failing to register as a lobbyist.”
UT: WHAT UTAHNS WANT. UT Policy. “More than two-thirds of Utahns want some kind of campaign contribution limits in state elections, a new poll finds.”
VT: LOBBYISTS GOOD WITH IT. WCAX. “A tripartisan group in the Vermont House is pushing to close a loophole in the state’s campaign financing laws.”
UK: REGISTER LAUNCH. Guardian. A register will be launched within ten weeks, according to this report.