#FTD15. I’ll be following today’s panels at the Hastings event, “The Future of Technology and Democracy”. Registration and a link to the webcast are online here.
NEW SUPER PAC. MSNBC. “Looking to loosen the GOP’s stranglehold on redistricting, Democrats are launching a new super PAC devoted flipping key state legislatures ahead of the next round after the 2020 elections.”
CLINTON FOUNDATION QUESTIONS. Townhall. “When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under President Obama, she and husband Bill decided it would be best if the Clinton Foundation rejected financial gifts from foreign countries. Now, it appears they have lifted that sensible ban.”
AL: APPLE LOBBYIST NEWS. Buzzfeed. “Apple recently hired Julius Kenneth Love, a former politician known by the name Jay Love, to work as a lobbyist in the 2015 legislative session, according to records posted by the Alabama Ethics Commission. The hire appeared to create an unusual relationship between a conservative lobbyist known for anti-gay views and a company run by a gay CEO, but the love for Love appears short-lived.”
CA: FIRST MEETING. Times Herald. “The Milpitas Campaign Finance Reform Committee, a new panel to review and potentially change the city’s existing campaign finance ordinance in order to curb the influence of special interest groups during local elections, will hold its first meeting at city hall at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19.”
MT: PROPOSALS TO BE HEARD. GF Tribune. “Montana senators are expecting to hear testimony on two bills that aim to revise campaign finance laws.”
NC: ETHICS OPINION. DB. “North Carolina has had what seems like an unusually high number of lobbyist-government official affairs become matters of public debate.”
NV: REVERSAL OF FORTUNE. RGJ.com. “The Nevada Supreme Court said it made a clerical error when it issued a campaign finance ruling last week against a conservative group, and on Wednesday replaced it with a ruling that came to the opposite conclusion.”
VA: COUNCIL APPOINTMENT. WP. “A state legislator who has seemed to embody the push and pull of ethics reform in anything-goes Virginia will represent the Senate on a new ethics council meant to usher in a new era.”