TODAY AT THE FEC. The agenda for today’s Federal Election Commission meeting is online here.
TIMELY TIP. FEC. “Before deciding to campaign for federal office, potential candidates may want to “test the waters”—in other words, explore the feasibility of their candidacy.”
SOFTWARE SCHOCK. Politico. “Keith Siilats, the chief technology officer of Bytelogics, said in an interview that the $3,425 that the Schock Victory Fund reported spending with his company was really part of the cost for a ride on his airplane.”
AZ: DISCLOSURE AND INVESTIGATION. AZ Central. “Eyebrows over APS’s covert campaign activities have been arched skyward since last year when it is widely believed that APS spent several million dollars on a dark-money campaign to get Tom Forese and Doug Little elected to the Corporation Commission.”
CA: RAISING THRESHOLDS. LAT. “CIting inflation, the state’s campaign finance watchdog agency is considering a proposal to raise the fundraising thresholds at which campaigns must report their financing, drawing some concerns from an advocate for fuller disclosure.
CA: CAMPAIGN FINED. “An investigation by the California Fair Political Practices Commission found Re-Elect Doreen Farr Supervisor 2012 violated state law by failing to timely report payments of $500 or more totaling $149,318.25.”
KS: MEALS WINNER. “According to Hawver’s Capitol Report, six members of the south-central Kansas legislative delegation cracked the top 25 for lobbyist-paid food and drink consumption for 2014.”
MD: PUBLIC FINANCING UPDATE. SMnewsnet. “Gov. Larry Hogan successfully used public financing when he ran for office, and now he wants to make sure the fund is replenished so other candidates have the same opportunity.”
NC: CHARLOTTE STUDYING. Observer. “The city of Charlotte will review whether it should require lobbyists to register with the city and disclose interactions with public officials – rules already enacted in most large U.S. cities.”