Wed. political law links, 4-22

NEXT LEVEL SUPER PAC.  NYT.  “This year’s exodus to super PACs suggests that the real action is moving further away from the traditional campaigns — and further outside the decades-old regulatory system devised to insulate politics from the potentially corrosive influence of moneyed interests.”

SUPER PAC EXPERIMENT.  STLT.  “Republican Jeb Bush may reshape the traditional presidential campaign with his plan to turn over some functions to a super PAC.”

NEW SUPER PAC.  WP.  “Donald Trump, the billionaire reality television star, may be the last person to need one, but a Florida man has a super PAC at the ready if Trump decides to run for president.”

JUNIOR’S SUPER PAC.  JPUpdates.  “The 29-year-old son of the liberal Soros has helped establish ‘Bend the Arc’ PAC, aimed at backing progressive candidates by making direct contributions to their campaign committees.”

CFR… LATER.  WP (E. Rogers).   “In the meantime, now would be a good time for the bipartisan congressional leadership and the leaders of both national party committees to come up with a consensus plan for campaign finance reform to be introduced in early 2017.”

MT:  UPDATE.  GFT.  ” Commissioner of Political Practices Jonathan Motl will need his confirmation blasted to the Senate floor and then a majority vote to stay in the job he’s held since 2013.”

PA:  CITY CFR.  “The Philadelphia Board of Ethics is asking City Council and the Nutter administration to require local political candidates and committees to report their campaign finances more frequently than the current mandate.”

TN:  CONSIDERING BITCOIN.  Coindesk.  “A bill to allow political donations denominated in bitcoin has passed in the Tennessee legislature.”


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