pol. law links

PAY TO PLAY AND 16.  Allen & Overy.  The article provides a helpful overview of the state of play on Rule 206(4)-5 compliance for the 2016 election cycle, with a survey of applications for exemptive relief under the rule.

SCHOCK UPDATE.  Politico.  “A federal prosecutor investigating Illinois Republican Aaron Schock is asking former aides to the ex-congressman whether he inflated his mileage reimbursements to cover the payments on his personal vehicle, according to sources familiar with the investigation.”

MCGAHN ON HRC. WSJ.  “By giving legislators authority to regulate the money that finances this speech, politicians would only succeed in making it harder for Americans to make their voices heard in the political process.”

HRC SUPER PAC HUG.  NYT.  “Hillary Rodham Clinton will begin personally courting donors for a ‘super PAC’ supporting her candidacy, the first time a Democratic presidential candidate has fully embraced the independent groups that can accept unlimited checks from big donors and are already playing a major role in the 2016 race.”

HRC:  NOT SO FAST ON DISCLOSURE.  MJ.  “When Mother Jones questioned the Clinton camp about whether it will disclose the names and fundraising totals of the key supporters—known as ‘bundlers’—who raise vast sums of cash, a spokesperson declined to provide an answer, saying only that the campaign was still figuring out its plans.”

LA:  CAMPAIGN CASINO.  SPI.  “St. Bernard Parish President Dave Peralta is accused of using campaign donations to gamble in New Orleans-area casinos and lying about it to the grand jury that indicted him Wednesday.”

NH:  REGULATING EXPLORING.  NHPR.  “City officials in Nashua want to change campaign finance rules after two mayoral hopefuls established exploratory committees. The city holds its mayoral primary in four months.”


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