THE BUSH PLAN. “The thinking goes like this: He can help build a massive war chest for his super PAC, coordinate very closely with Right to Rise and lay out any strategy he wants, and then cut off contact and watch from afar as the super PAC acts on his behalf once he’s officially in the race.”
KY: SUPER PAC STIR. CJ. “Kentucky Family Values, the super PAC that for several years has been raising and spending big amounts for major Democratic Party races in general elections, has been stirring in recent weeks.”
MT: DRAFTING RULES. HIR. “Montana’s political practices commissioner on Wednesday assembled a team of lawyers to work with his staff and him to draft rules to implement a major new campaign finance law.”
NC: FIXING ONLINE SYSTEM. WSOCTV. “For years, North Carolina’s Board of Elections has been trying to fix an online campaign finance system in which lawmakers report money that they receive while campaigning — essentially a database for voters to,use to research candidates.”