Tues. political law links

OGE:  ETHICS REWRITE.  FW.  “The Office of Government Ethics has proposed to update and clarify policies describing the executive branch ethics program, lay out the responsibilities of various parties, and reinforce ethics messaging.”

MI:  ETHICS OK.  Reuters.  “The mayor of Flint, Michigan, did not redirect donations to her personal campaign from a charity meant to help families hurt by a water crisis in the city, an independent attorney said on Monday.

MN:  REPORTS DUE.  JDS.  “On June 14, 2016, all political committees, political funds, independent expenditure committees and independent expenditure funds are required to file a Report of Receipts and Expenditures for the period covering January 1 through May 31, 2016.”

NY:  CALLS LOUDER.  LIP.  “Advocates and citizens frustrated with the avalanche of corruption scandals on Long Island and elsewhere in the state are rallying around the issue and organizing grassroots efforts aimed at pressuring lawmakers to be more ethical and transparent.”

RI:  RESIDENCE QUESTIONS.  WPRI.  “A state lawmaker who holds a plum post on the General Assembly’s most powerful committee is misleading either the voters in his district or the Rhode Island Ethics Commission, a Target 12 investigation has discovered.”

TX:  AUSTIN COMPLAINT STANDARDS.  AM.  “The process for bringing a complaint before the Ethics Review Commission will become more complicated, but hopefully more transparent, if City Council passes a recommendation to overhaul the commission’s ethics complaint requirements.”


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