PAYEE ISSUE. WP. “On April 25, a new company called Left Hand Enterprises LLC was formed in Delaware, listing its address at an incorporation service provider in Wilmington.”
BIG AND NEW. TB. “A new, well-funded voter mobilization group is gearing up across Florida to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot. For Florida’s Future, a joint super PAC and 501(c)4 organization, aims to highlight and hold accountable candidates for their words and records on specific issues including climate change, student debt, and retirement security.”
CA: NOW WHAT? OCR. “Orange County finally has an ethics commission after more than a decade of advocacy for one, but now the difficult work begins: providing it the people, budget and tools to make it work as intended.”
GA: 300 CHARGES. AJC. “Atlanta City Councilman Michael Julian Bond faces 300 civil charges of violating state campaign finance laws – and a whopping $58,000 fine if found guilty.”
MA: CHANGES PASSED. ML. “The Massachusetts House on Wednesday passed three campaign finance bills aimed at increasing transparency and leveling the playing field for special election candidates.”
PA: AMISH AND INDEPENDENT. P. “Amish PAC, which claims to be the first and only Amish-dedicated super political action committee, is spending on flyers and newspaper and billboard advertisements that will target Amish and Mennonite communities in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Each swing state has 60,000 Amish residents, according to the PAC’s website.”
SC: GOV. ASKS FOR MORE. PC. “Gov. Nikki Haley said it was a long campaign to get the General Assembly to make strides on ethics reform as she signed the bill into law Thursday but stressed there is more to be done.”
TX: AUSTIN ATTACK ON INDEPENDENT MONEY. MS. “The city already requires candidates and political action committees to provide reports listing their donors. The rules approved Thursday require other nonprofit organizations, which typically don’t disclose their donors, to list contributors who give at least $500 for spending toward a candidate or ballot measure.”