Melania’s speech, corruption, and other political law links

TRUMP AND CORRUPTION?  “The controversy over Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention – well, one of them anyway – is a reminder that much of the debate over campaign finance regulation has nothing to do with preventing corruption.”

TRUMP AND FOREIGN NATIONALS.  “Perhaps most silly is that Campaign Legal considers a generalized e-mail to fall within the realistic scope of a ‘solicitation’ worthy of investigation and enforcement.”

TRUMP’S SUPER PACS.  B.  “According to Federal Election Commission rules, if Trump doesn’t win the presidency, he is clearly free to set up and fund a super-PAC. But if he occupies the Oval Office, the rules head into a legal gray area. Between elections, or if Trump declares himself a one-term president, he would be allowed to donate to a super-PAC, but is not allowed to solicit contributions of more than $5,000.”

TIME SOUGHT FOR DECISION.  WP.  “Prosecutors in Virginia want an additional month to respond to the Supreme Court decision overturning former governor Robert F. McDonnell’s corruption conviction.”

KAINE GIFT SCRUTINY.  NYT.  “But with Mr. Kaine’s selection on Friday as Hillary Clinton’s vice-presidential running mate, the gifts he received in the four years he served as Virginia’s chief executive and his time as lieutenant governor before that are certain to be cited by his Republican critics as a sign that Mr. Kaine, who is now a United States senator, is not as squeaky clean as he portrays himself.”

MO:  NEGATIVE VIEW ON CAMPAIGN FINANCE.  STL.  “Any day now, a ballot initiative that would reinstate campaign finance limits in Missouri to levels more in line with congressional races, about $2,600 per donor, is likely to be certified for the November ballot.”

MT:  NEW TRIAL SOUGHT.  MTS.  “Attorneys for Republican Rep. Art Wittich of Bozeman said in their motion Friday that jurors relied on faulty evidence and cost estimates provided by a witness. They also said the state’s definition of a campaign contribution is unconstitutional and that a juror was inappropriately dismissed at the beginning of the trial.”

NE:  TRANSPARENCY SUPPORTED.  “It’s time for Nebraska leaders to adopt sensible disclosure requirements so the public can be properly informed.”

NJ:  WEAPONIZED PAY TO PLAY.  PNJ.  “After more than a decade of experimentation with the idealistic notion that it is possible to take the money out of politics, the intricate rubric of local Pay-to-play ordinances has failed.”

PA:  ALLEGED PAY TO PLAY.  MC.  “Former state Treasurer Barbara Hafer is charged with concealing $500,000 in fees paid to her company by a business that provided asset management services to the Pennsylvania Treasury Department, federal prosecutors in Harrisburg announced Thursday.”

SC:  RULING ON DINNER.  WT.  “The State Ethics Commission is weighing whether it’s ethically OK for a group of lawyers to arrange a special dinner for the judges of on-the-job injury claims.”

VA:  BLANKET RESTORATION STRUCK.  NPR.  “In a 4-3 ruling, the state’s justices said under the state constitution, McAuliffe didn’t have the authority for such a proclamation.”


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