SUPER PAC QUIET. CNN. “A super PAC that intended to spend millions on behalf of the Republican nominee has quietly gone dormant now that Donald Trump is leading the GOP another sign that the Republican ticket is being deprived of the cash that it needs to compete.”
SUPER PAC LAUNCH. P. “Guy Cecil, the chief strategist of the main pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, said the group is on the brink of launching a $10 million campaign to ‘make sure we are doing everything we can to turn folks out.'”
“DARK MONEY” MYTH. TheStreet. “Some $12 billion will be spent this election cycle on political advertising to influence your vote. Much of the money will go to broadcast TV, internet companies and radio — but where does it come from?”
REID CONCESSION. WE. “The Federal Election Commission, which considered legal action against former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee for joking about fundraising, won’t punish Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid for admitting to violating an election law.”
KOCH BUYS. BF. “As the political network affiliated with Charles and David Koch highlighted its focus on Senate races at a retreat, its super PAC released three separate seven-figure ad buys in three Senate races.”
LOBBYIST THAW. RC. “Registered lobbyists and lobbying groups must file semi-annual reports under the Lobbying Disclosure Act detailing their campaign contributions. Many reports have already been submitted for the Jan. 1 to June 30 period, ahead of the Monday deadline.”
LIPINSKI UPDATE. CST. “Former U.S. Rep. Bill Lipinski has dropped his federal lobbying practice after the Chicago Sun-Times and the Better Government Association reported the longtime Chicago congressman was paid $4 million since 2007 by clients with issues before the U.S. House transportation committee on which his son, U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Illinois, serves.”
VIGILANCE ON FRAUD. AT. “Now that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Democrats’ candidate for President of the United States, prepare for the most fraudulent, corrupt and dishonest if not outright criminal election process in the history of this country.”
COMPLIANCE NOW HIGHLIGHTS DREAM TEAM. State & Federal. Elizabeth Bartz “will join Brad Smith from the Center for Competitive Politics and Capital OH Law School and Nick Penniman from Issue One to speak about Campaign Finance: What It All Means.”
AL: BENTLEY LOOPHOLE. AL. “Alabama law allows elected officials to spend leftover campaign funds on duties related to the office, but if he used those funds for personal expenses — say, to facilitate an affair — that’s a crime.”
CT: HEADACHES. G. ” Federal prosecutors are convening a grand jury to look into allegations that Malloy’s 2014 campaign was illegally helped by the state Democratic Party.”
FL: FLORIDA MAN AND CAMPAIGN FINANCE. AOL. “A Florida man pleaded guilty on Monday to working with another man to illegally funnel $80,000 in foreign contributions to U.S. President Barack Obama’s joint fundraising committee in 2012 so that a foreign national could attend a campaign event.”
MA: REVOLVING DOOR. BG. “Time and again, consultants who help candidates win elections then go on to represent corporate clients with interests before the new officeholder — even, in some cases, as they continue to advise the officials they helped elect.”
OH: CASH LOW. C. “The national group pushing a medical marijuana ballot measure in Ohio never came close to raising enough money to run a statewide campaign.”