YARD SIGN WARS. Boston.com. “In Democrat-heavy Massachusetts, being a Donald Trump supporter is not easy. And as some are finding out, expressing their support for the Republican presidential nominee can be even harder.”
YARD SIGN THEFT AND SOCIAL MEDIA. DC. “Boston University student Katia Checkwicz posted — then deleted — a video of herself stealing and destroying a pair of yard signs promoting Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.”
YARD SIGN BUSINESS. B. “Donald Trump supporters are spending their own cash to buy yard signs and bumper stickers because there’s a shortage of free campaign merchandise in their local areas, including in key swing states the Republican nominee must win.”
FOUNDATION TO BAR FOREIGN FUNDS. AFR. “The Clinton Foundation will stop accepting foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elected president but only if she beats Donald Trump to the White House.”
DONOR FAMILY HELP. NYT. “Like many elite donors, the Mercers shun mainstream media attention — even while financing alternative outlets that provide content for conservative activists.”
FIVE MONEY MYTHS. TheStreet. “The unlimited sums of money in campaigns can often lead to miscalculations or overestimation of a candidate’s campaign contributions.”
ETHICS TRAINING MISSED. WT. “The State Department can find no evidence that some of Hillary Clinton’s top aides completed their mandatory ethics training, raising still more questions about whether her team cut corners during their time serving with her in government.”
AZ: CALLS FOR INVESTIGATION. AZC. “A good-government advocacy group asked the FBI and IRS on Thursday to investigate former Arizona legislative aide Sean Noble’s political activities during the 2010 election.”
MD: ALJ AND CANDIDACY. CG. “A commission has found one of Anne Arundel’s candidates for Circuit Court judge was guilty of an ethics violation for her work in Washington.”
MT: SHOOTING ORGANIZATION IN THE NEWS. KULR. “A group is being accused of violating campaign finance laws in 2014. Wednesday Montana’s Commissioner of Political Practices released findings that the Montana Shooting Sports Association did not provide enough detail about its contributors.”
TX: UNFINISHED BUSINESS. SA. “Political consultants and their clients are likely to exert pressure on the Texas Ethics Commission during the public comment period on a proposed rule that will close a loophole that essentially allows candidates to report how much they spend but not how.”