WHAT’S GOING ON AT THE FEC. The agenda for today’s meeting is here.
THE FED AND CONTRIBUTIONS. WSJ. “During a congressional hearing on Wednesday Rep. Scott Garrett (R., N.J.) questioned Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen about alleged conflicts of interest on the board. The congressman asked specifically about Fed governor Lael Brainard and her donations and connections to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.”
HOW BAYH DID IT. Politico. “Only people who spend at least 20 percent of their time lobbying for a client and contact at least two government officials have to register under federal law.”
SUPER PAC STRETCH. PF. “In campaign fundraising email after campaign fundraising email, Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Tammy Duckworth notes that, unlike her opponent Republican Mark Kirk, she isn’t benefitting from a Super PAC and needs donations from average Illinoisans.”
SUPER PAC LAUNCH. BB. “2016 Committee, a Super PAC first launched to support Dr. Ben Carson and now focused on opposing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is up with a $1.45 million dollar ad buy targeting African American voters throughout North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan.”
O’DONNELL PERSONAL USE UPDATE. WP. “Former GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell and her campaign committee have offered to pay a $10,000 civil penalty after a federal judge ruled that they violated federal campaign finance laws by using campaign contributions to pay her rent.”
IL: LIMITS OFF. NBC. “Campaign finance limits are now off in the race for Illinois comptroller, according to Illinois Election Data. Incumbent Republican Comptroller Leslie Munger received a $260,000 donation Friday from her husband, John Munger, exceeding the $250,000 self-funding threshold and removing fundraising limits for the race.”
MT: DISCLOSURE ALLEGATIONS. BG. “Funding for the group backing a pro-medical marijuana ballot measure prompted Safe Montana founder Steve Zabawa to file a campaign complaint.”
NY: COR UPDATE. CNY. “At an event in Skaneateles Falls on Wednesday, Governor Andrew Cuomo said he will move campaign contributions, donated by Joseph Gerardi and Steven Aiello, into a different account.”