$100 MILLION OR NAH. ABC. “In the first three weeks of October, Trump gave his campaign only $30,682, bringing his total self-funding to $56.1 million. The minuscule donation came in the form of six in-kind contributions for rent and payroll.” … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: October 2016
SUPER PAC X-TREME. HP. “Priorities USA Action, the main super PAC supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, has raised and spent more money than any super PAC since the committees were sanctioned in 2010.” BOWING OUT. R. “At the same … Continue reading
IT’S STARTED. WP. “[L]obbyists have raised millions of dollars for Clinton’s campaign over the last 18 months, and could be opening their checkbooks and fundraising networks in one more area between now and January: raising money for inaugural activities and parties.” SUPER … Continue reading