November political law link frenzy begins

MEDIATION EYED.  DP.  “A federal judge is hoping court-ordered mediation can resolve a penalty dispute in a Federal Election Commission lawsuit against former Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell.”

$100 MILLION QUESTION.  WP.  “If he wants to hit $100 million, he will have to ante up nearly $34 million more in the next week. We will get fairly quick disclosure of any new donations he makes, since campaigns now have to report any contributions of $1,000 or more within 48 hours.”

SUPER PAC CONNECT.  WT.  “For a campaign whose official position is antipathy toward big-money political action committees, the Clinton operation was incredibly adept at using them — and may even have crossed the line into illegal coordination. The WikiLeaks emails hint at that kind of activity, and show the campaign breaking the spirit of the rules, though it would be up to the Federal Election Commission to determine whether a provable violation took place.”

SISTER IN LAW LOBBYING.  FN.  “For several months in 2012, Clinton’s final year as secretary of state, Raytheon, the leading defense contractor, hired Podesta’s sister-in-law, Heather Podesta, as a lobbyist, federal records show.”

LATEST ON SUPER PAC DONATIONS.  HP.  “The super rich have managed to increase their influence on elections, even though the 2016 presidential race will cost less than the previous one, reversing a longtime trend.”

CHARITIES GIVING.  CPI.  “Suffolk Cares Inc., a nonprofit charity registered under section 501(c)(3) of federal tax code, gave Correct the Record $100,000 on Sept. 8 and another $150,000 on Oct. 12, according to federal campaign finance documents. Charities of this kind are explicitly prohibited from making political contributions under federal law.”

CA:  DONATION SCRUTINY.  LAT.  “On Sunday, a Times investigation showed that more than 100 donors who were directly or indirectly connected to developer Samuel Leung had made donations totaling more than $600,000 to L.A.-area politicians while his 352-unit Sea Breeze project was being reviewed.”

CA:  GREEN QUESTIONS.  SF.  “The Golden State Warriors’ Draymond Green, no stranger to on-the-court controversies, was dragged into a political kerfuffle Monday involving an ad he cut for BART.”

NC:  COMPLAINT OVER FUNDS.  NO.  “The N.C. Democratic Party has filed a complaint accusing Republican groups of illegally helping Gov. Pat McCrory by violating the prohibition on corporate contributions and the limit on how much individuals can contribute to political campaigns.”

OR:  DAILY INVESTIGATION.  TWL.  “The Oregon Secretary of State announced Monday that her office will launch an investigation into the campaign finances of Coos Bay mayoral candidate Mark Daily.”

SD:  KOCHS AND BALLOT MEASURE.  PRW.  “The Koch network has mobilized in South Dakota to defeat the ‘South Dakota Accountability and Anti-Corruption Act,’ a state-wide initiative on the ballot November 8.”

TX:  LOGO QUESTION.  PAN.  “An officer or employee of a political subdivision may not knowingly spend or authorize the spending of public funds for political advertising.”


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