BIG MONEY TAKEDOWN. TIME. “The Republican’s presidential campaign raised less than half of what Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton did. He ran a fraction of the TV ads, even in decisive battleground states. And although prominent Republican donors came to Trump’s aid during the campaign’s final days, his supportive super PACs and other political groups raised relatively paltry sums when compared to Clinton’s groups.”
SUPER PAC ON YOUTUBE. TF. “Real Talk With Ruth, in a clear attempt to appeal to young voters, is styled to look like a vlog. ‘Ruth’ is an upbeat young woman, and her videos are set in a hip-looking coffee shop with exposed brick walls.”
OGE RULES FINALIZED. FW. “The Office of Government Ethics has finalized rules, proposed in June, that describe the executive branch ethics program, lay out the responsibilities of various parties, and reinforce ethics messaging.”
TRANSITION PLANNING. TI. “Presidential transition teams develop policy plans and come up with a list of more than 4,000 people an incoming president appoints, including White House jobs, cabinet secretaries, and lower level positions that oversee the military, agriculture, trade, and beyond.”
AK: CHALLENGE REJECTED. DP. “U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess in a ruling Monday says the state provided justification for limits on contributions to candidates.”
MT: PROSECUTION THREAT. WP. “A representative (or anyone else) files a complaint alleging that a government official has committed misconduct — and he can’t talk about the complaint?”
OR: PASSING EASILY. PT. “A campaign finance measure for Multomah County races passed easily Tuesday.”
RI: ETHICS MEASURE UPDATE. B. “Rhode Island voters also easily approved a constitutional amendment restoring power to an ethics commission over state lawmakers.”
SD: PUBLIC FINANCING OK. MH. “South Dakota political candidates running in future elections will be able to tap public funds for their campaigns under a new law approved by voters.”
WA: REJECTING OVERHAUL. ST. “Voters were rejecting by five percentage points a measure to overhaul the state’s campaign finance system in Tuesday’s returns.”