Political Law Links (3-16-17)

KING REFORM.   LSJ.  “U.S. Sen. Angus King is seeking to revise federal law to require that all campaign contributions of $1,000 or more be disclosed with the Federal Election Commission within 48 hours.”

RAVEL LANDS.  Twitter.  “Fed up with DC gridlock, #CAFellow @AnnMRavel is back in CA working on innovative ways to foster civic engagement bit.ly/2lYejJi

NEW EFFORTS.  Hill.  “While lobbyists have always cultivated contacts within federal agencies and departments, those relationships have become more important than ever before due to the slow pace of the transition.”

CA:  FACING INVESTIGATION.   MN.  “California’s Fair Political Practices Commission is investigating two Palo Alto council members elected in November for possible campaign finance reporting violations.”

CO:  REFORMS PROPOSED.   DH.  “Democratic lawmakers are trying to increase the transparency and equity of the system for financing political campaigns with four bills that were introduced Wednesday at the state Legislature.”

FL:  TROUBLE BUBBLE.   FLP.  “Daniels used $4,000 of campaign funds to promote her book, The Demon Dictionary, in a religious magazine called Shofar.”

IA:  TRACKING FUNDS.   DMR.  “After a campaign season where individuals voiced frustration over the political elite and powerful institutions, a Register analysis shows that political action committees, unions and wealthy donors played outsized roles in funding Iowa candidates during the past two campaign cycles.”

SC:  REFORM SNAG.  TS.  “An effort to require so-called ‘dark money’ political groups to reveal their donors hit a snag Tuesday when right-leaning advocacy groups asserted it would discourage S.C. residents from criticizing politicians.”


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