Holmes and limits and more Political Law Links

LIMITS WILL BE EASED, HOLMES.   CLC. “On Wednesday, the full panel of judges at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument in Holmes v. FEC. This is a seemingly minor case that could have major implications for campaign finance regulation.”

ETHICS REFERENCE SHEET.  NPR.  “Who oversees the ethics of the president and other high-ranking officials? Who has the power to investigate or enforce ethics rules and laws?”

CT:  CAMPAIGN FINANCE CLASH.  CTP.  “The Government Administration & Elections Committee was preparing Monday to push through legislation that would require corporations to disclose the votes of their boards of directors when they make political contributions; and limit so-called independent expenditures to $70,000 a year.”

IL:  LIMITS LIFTED.  NWH.  “Democratic businessman Chris Kennedy’s roughly $250,000 donation to his own campaign has lifted spending caps in what’s expected to be another big money race for Illinois governor.”

IL:  WIN FOR INDUSTRY.  CLB.  “In a 22-page decision issued late last week, Lee wrote that Section 9-45 of the Illinois Election Code, which prohibited cultivation centers and dispensaries from giving any amount to political candidates, was not ‘closely drawn’ to advance the government’s interest in preventing quid pro quo corruption or its appearance.”

NY:  VENDOR MOVES.  ND.  “In the first year of a new law requiring Nassau vendors to disclose their political contributions, very few have done so, even as they’ve continued to pour nearly $200,000 into the campaigns of county leaders and the political committees with ties to them.”

VT:  AG REACTION.   WD.  “Vermont Republicans are outraged after Democrat Attorney General TJ Donovan on Friday dismissed the local GOP’s complaint of an alleged campaign finance law violation by House Majority Leader Jill Krowinski.”

WV:  OVERHAUL PASSED.   CGM.  “Key provisions of the legislation, Senate Bill 539, increase the maximum amounts that citizens can donate to individual campaigns, political action committees (PACs), caucus committees, state parties and ballot issue committees.”


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