ANTI-GORSUCH GROUP AND DISCLOSURE. TH. “I guess so-called dark money and transparency concerns are only relevant when a Republican is in the White House.”
PAC REGISTRATION. CPI. “Unscrupulous PACs could continue to hoodwink less sophisticated donors, commissioners and campaign finance experts say, as efforts to tighten PAC rules and increase oversight have so far failed.”
DEBATE CASE UPDATE. IVN. “In March, the FEC chose not to appeal the decision. Instead, they complied with the judge’s order and re-issued an opinion that ‘considered’ the evidence.”
AL: COMPLAINTS CONSIDERED. AL. “The Alabama Ethics Commission is expected to hear testimony about complaints against Bentley and could vote on whether there is probable cause that the governor broke the ethics law or campaign finance laws.”
CO: INDEPENDENT GROUP ISSUE. DP. “So here’s a little unsolicited advice to all these players caught in this twisted web: Try not to use campaign finance activism for personal vendettas; disclose conflicts of interest so as not to mislead readers; and 501(c)4s operating in Colorado should make sure that their ‘primary’ purpose is not to support or oppose political candidates.”
NM: SODA TAX DISCLOSURE. SFNM. “A political group involved in the fray over a proposed Santa Fe tax on sugary beverages to fund early childhood education programs has not filed a campaign finance disclosure statement with the city despite spending unknown amounts on radio advertising and gathering petition signatures, and a spokesman says it has no intention to do so.”
ND: HOUSE PASSES BIll. PR. “It expands what candidates have to report to the Secretary of State to include campaign expenditures and the amount of contributions under that $200 threshold. Contributions over $200 are reported individually. It also prohibits a candidate form using campaign contributions for personal things.”
TN: HIGHER LIMITS. TP. “With not much discussion Monday, the Tennessee State Senate moved to double the amounts that can be donated to their personal campaigns every four years.”
BRAZIL: PRESIDENT COULD BE UNSEATED. CGTN. “The country’s Superior Elections Court began a trial to establish whether the Rousseff-Temer ticket received illegal donations for their 2014 campaign. If they’re found guilty, Temer will also be removed from power. A new president would be chosen indirectly by congress to serve the remainder of this term, until 2018.”