SEC TARGETS CONTRIBUTIONS BY ADVISERS. TA. “The new rules and amped-up enforcement (the only other case under the Rule was in 2014) reflect regulators’ focus on the interaction between money managers and public officials. While it remains unclear both when the regulators will invoke their authority to enforce the nearly limitless strict liability provision of the rules and how they will determine the appropriate remedy, the recent settlements and the SEC’s handling of exemptive relief petitions may provide some clues.”
END OCE. WE. “Republicans were right to try and deal with the OCE. It desperately needs reform, and should indeed be eliminated, not as an effort to shield lawmakers from responsibility for any wrongdoing they commit, but, rather, the opposite. Getting rid of the ethics office would restore accountability to Congress and to voters, which is where it is placed, properly, by the Constitution.”
MO: DEFINING TERMS. Lex. “The Missouri Ethics Commission (MEC) recently issued several advisory opinions regarding the state’s newly adopted campaign finance regulations. These opinions provide clarification for businesses and individuals wishing to participate in campaign-related activities.”
MT: WEIGHING INCREASE. DP. “Montana lawmakers are considering raising campaign contribution limits for state candidates and allowing decisions on campaign finance violations to go to mediation, over the objections of the outgoing regulator who says the measure could affect a pending case and diminish his office’s independence.”
NM: PLANNING TO FILE. SFNM. “The head of a group opposed to the city of Santa Fe’s proposed sugary-drink tax said Sunday that he will file a campaign finance report with the city on Monday — a day past the deadline for such actions.”
NM: CAMPAIGN FINANCE VETO. NM. “Gov. Susana Martinez, who has touted herself as a champion of transparency, on Friday vetoed a piece of legislation that would have required greater public disclosure by those who spend big money in New Mexico political races.”
VA: GILLESPIE PLAN. DC. “Virginia Republican candidate for governor Ed Gillespie announced a new plan for a series of executive orders Thursday that will target campaign finance in the state, according to a press release.”