RESTORING SPEECH. Hill. “The idea behind the Free Speech Fairness Act is to restore the First Amendment freedom of speech to pastors and other 501(c)(3) organizations’ leaders, while ensuring churches and other non-profits do not become about ‘dark money’ or transition into political action committees.”
SALE AND ETHICS. NPR. “President Trump’s trust is selling off a Caribbean resort, which creates an ethical dilemma.”
DC: POSSIBLE INQUIRY. CP. “Among the issues likely to drag on deep into the D.C. Council legislative session is campaign finance reform.”
MO: RECAP OF OPINION. CN. “A federal judge overturned portions of Missouri’s new campaign finance law, including bans on heavily regulated industries contributing to political action committees and contributions between PACs.”
NC: RECUSAL CALL. NO. “A voting-rights advocacy group on Tuesday called on Sen. Ralph Hise, chairman of the Senate’s elections committee, to recuse himself from matters concerning restructuring the State Board of Elections because of pending complaints against him.”
NH: NO ACTION ON TWEET. MUR. “The Democratic Party charged that the tweet was an attempt by the governor to promote a business he formerly headed and in which members of his family remain involved as members of the board of directors and in which they continue to have a financial interest.”
RI: EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGES. WPRI. “Providence City Council President Luis Aponte was arraigned Wednesday on four charges – including embezzlement – stemming from a Rhode Island State Police investigation into his alleged misuse of campaign funds.”
WT: POTENTIAL BALLOT MEASURE ON FUNDS. SM. “[Chestek’s] goal is to place an initiative on the November 2018 ballot that would make Wyoming join 18 other states calling for a constitutional amendment to counter Citizens United.”