OUT OF TIME. MH. “Federal prosecutors had half a decade to bring criminal charges against former U.S. Rep. David Rivera in an illegal campaign-finance scheme that landed two of his co-conspirators in jail.”
DISCLOSURE BACKLASH. FOX. “A Minneapolis developer and business owner is facing backlash for a political donation he made to notorious white nationalist David Duke.”
HAT STORY. CNN. “The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, points out that the president has been pictured wearing the hat, both in red and in white, in two official photos released by the White House.”
LOANS FROM SUPPORTERS. PRI. “A review of mandatory personal financial disclosure forms filed by all current members of the House and Senate reveals at least 19 have accepted loans from organizations or moneyed individuals instead of a bank or traditional financial institution.”
AK: ETHICS TARGET. ADN. “A new Alaska ballot initiative is proposing new limits on state lawmakers’ travel, daily expense payments and lobbyist-paid meals.”
FL: KOCH CHEER. NT. “‘We commend Speaker Corcoran for calling to end political welfare for political candidates,’ Americans for Prosperity Florida, the local chapter of the Koch’s huge lobbying operation, announced last week.”
LA: STATUS OF FUNDS. NOLA. “Among the questions swirling around the early retirement of Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand is the destiny of his hefty campaign war chest.”
NM: COMMENTS ON RULE. SNM. “The draft rules, which would require dark money groups to disclose some donors if their spending reaches certain thresholds, will get one last public hearing from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Aug. 30, at the state Capitol.”
SD: LOWER LIMITS IMPACT. SDPR. “A state legislative committee is hoping to find the right balance in restricting the amount of money given to candidates running for state office.”
TX: NEW ENFORCEMENT DIRECTOR. TEC. “The Texas Ethics Commission is pleased to announce Angela Goodwin has joined the Commission as its new Director of Enforcement. Ms. Goodwin recently served as Director of Investigations at Child Protective Services for the State of Texas.”
UT: LOBBYIST REGISTRATION. KUTV. “A Utah state lawmaker named this week as president of a state organization that advocates for the technology industry doesn’t plan to register as a lobbyist, even though the man who had the job before him did.”