10.22.18 political law links

CA:  EMAIL DESTRUCTION.   VOC.  “Government emails and text messages about enforcement of Orange County’s campaign finance laws will be destroyed two years after they’re sent or received, under a policy county supervisors approved Tuesday.”

CO:  NO VIOLATION FOUND.   CBS. “The Secretary of State found Polis did not violate Colorado’s campaign finance laws as alleged.  A forensic accountant accused Polis of violating the rules. Kris Cook, Treasurer of the Denver Republican Party, filed a campaign finance complaint with the Secretary of State’s office.”

NC:  PFIZER FINED.   PP.  “The contributions, totaling $53,500 to 36 different committees, were uncovered in an audit earlier this year. They came on June 21, 2016 and October 16 2017 — both days when the General Assembly was in session. Under state law, contributions are prohibited during legislative sessions.”

OR:  REFORM ENDORSED.   OL.  “The measure would bar companies and unions from donating to candidates, limit individual or political committee donations to $500 for candidates and levy other restrictions on spending. And yet those key parts of the proposal aren’t even constitutional under Oregon Supreme Court and U.S. Supreme Court decisions.”

SD:  REPORTS DUE.  KL.  “Monday is the last day South Dakota residents can register to vote in the November 6 general election. It’s also the deadline for candidates in that election to file pre-election campaign finance reports.”


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