ETHICS EXTENDS. CNN. “The House Ethics Committee released updates on their investigations into four lawmakers on Thursday, including a high-profile freshman Democratic lawmaker and a Republican lawmaker who they revealed is under investigation by the Department of Justice.”
LAST WEEK AT THE FEC. The agency’s Weekly Digest. The FEC made public one closed enforcement matter, MUR 7582, which closed after unanimous vote on October 23, 2019.
VIOLATIONS ALLEGED. UPI. “The Department of Justice has opened a criminal investigation into Ross Spano over allegations he committed campaign finance violations during his 2018 election, the House Ethics committee said.”
TEAM CLINTON IN CASE. ELB. “Campaign Legal Center Unsuccessfully Fights Effort to Allow Clinton Campaign and Allied Super PAC to Defend Itself in Federal Court…”
SUPER PAC WON’T STOP. HILL. “Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) said he’s willing to accept super PAC money for his presidential bid as a way to catch up to his primary opponents after his late entry in the race.”
MONEY FUNDS. POL. “A dark money group purchased an ad promoting Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign that ran in Iowa’s biggest paper this week — despite the candidate’s opposition to outside big money groups.”
ID: RUNOFF RESET. BN. “City officials say the past general election generated more money and disclosure forms than any election the city’s ever had in recent memory.”
IN: REPAID. NWT. “Hammond’s mayor and his wife, a judge, are preparing to repay $50,000 in campaign contributions originally paid to her judicial campaign fund from his mayoral fund after state officials deemed the amount excessive, the mayor confirmed.”