5.1.20 political law links

MD: UNDER REVIEW. FB. “The second round of campaign finance reports for Baltimore’s mayoral race are in and the filings reveal major spending among the top candidates.”

NY: OFFICE SHUTTERED. LN. “In February, staffers for businessman Mike Bloomberg’s bid for president confidently said his office in the Penndel Shopping Center in Penndel Borough would remain open through the November election no matter if he was the Democrat’s nominee or not.”

OR: DISMISSAL SOUGHT. PM. “Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s reelection campaign committee will move to dismiss a lawsuit accusing it of violating campaign contribution limits, which the City Auditor’s Office has never required candidates to follow.”

OR: LIMITS LEGAL. OL. “The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday said limits do not violate the state constitution, a major ruling that clears the way for controls on campaign donations in metro-area races and potentially signals an end to Oregon’s distinction as one of the biggest money states in American politics.”

OR: RULING IMPACT. MT. “That leaves 2020 election candidates facing even more uncertainty. Already forced to campaign under the stay-at-home restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, office-seekers might be holding campaign contributions that exceed what are suddenly valid limits.”

PA: ALLEGATIONS LODGED. ABC. “Allegations of campaign finance violations have been lodged against current Pennsylvania Auditor General, Eugene DePasquale (D).”

TN: FINDING CHALLENGED. TNSN. “First reported by The Tennessean, the board — prompted by Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance Executive Director Bill Young — voted via email earlier this month to reduce Towns’ fines to $22,000.”


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