Political law morning report for Friday, May 20, 2011

FEC MEETING. The agenda for next Thursday’s meeting of the Federal Election Commission is available here.

SUPER PAC TEST. Roll Call reports that a new advisory opinion request has been filed.  “Less than a week after Republicans said they would use federal lawmakers, candidates and party officials to raise unlimited money for an election advertisement fund, Democrats filed a request with the Federal Election Commission to see if that type of fundraising is legal.”

EPSTEIN AND COLBERT. Richard Epstein discusses the Colbert advisory opinion request here.

PRIORITIES? Priority number one for Priorities USA Action…  an ad referring to Romney.  NY Times. “The spot shows that Priorities USA Action, like the conservative group it is seeking to counter, American Crossroads, will work as something of a roving hit squad. As an independent group, it is unencumbered by the political sensitivities that a candidate has to worry about, and is free to pick its shots as long as it can afford them.”

WHAT’S NEXT FOR SENATE ETHICS. The Hill. “The Senate Ethics Committee has not met to discuss the remaining recommendations listed in its report on former Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.).”

THE “BUICK” CAMPAIGN. The Post reports on the Pawlenty campaign here.

MONEY RACE. Politico discusses the outlook for Senate campaign fundraising here.


COMCAST AND ITS NONPROFIT PARTNERS. Politico. “A Comcast employee vowed to pull the plug on corporate support of the nonprofit Reel Grrls after a negative tweet about the company’s decision to hire Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker.”

PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL’S UTAH ACTIVITY IN QUESTION. Story here.  “On the same day that singer Willie Nelson endorsed former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson for president in 2012, Veritas NM learned that Johnson’s Our America Initiative PAC has been suspended by the Utah Department of Commerce Consumer Protection Division for failure to file its first-quarter 2011 financial report.”


CAN I GET A WITNESS. Who will Blago call in his defense?  The Times speculates here.


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