TRUMP SERIOUS. WP. “The billionaire real-estate mogul, who has long amounted to a one-man sideshow in GOP presidential politics, said in an interview Wednesday that he is ‘more serious’ than ever about pursuing a run for the White House in … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: February 2015
FUN-DRAINING FUNDRAISING. NYT. “The price of discouraging challengers and deterring speculation is near-constant fund-raising.” READY FOR CARLY. WT. “Looking toward the 2016 White House race, supporters of former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina announced Tuesday that they were rolling out … Continue reading
SCHOCK TRAVEL UPDATE. AP. “Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock, a rising Republican star already facing an ethics inquiry, has spent taxpayer and campaign funds on flights aboard private planes owned by some of his key donors, The Associated Press has found. … Continue reading