Several sources (including CNN) report that a joint fundraising committee was formed with Clinton, Obama, and the DNC as participants.
The agreement, announced Wednesday, creates a new entity, the “Democratic White House Victory Fund” — a move which will allow both candidates to fundraise for the cash-strapped Democratic National Committee, and to help shoulder some of their primary and general election expenses. John McCain has already created his own Victory Fund with the Republican National Committee – but those funds are usually created after a nominee has been decided.
No word on whether the joint fundraising committee will accept certain contributions the Obama campaign itself declines as a matter of policy. The Obama campaign asks donors to confirm that each
contribution is not made from the funds of an individual registered as a federal lobbyist or a foreign agent, or an entity that is a federally registered lobbying firm or foreign agent.
In addition, the Obama campaign accepts online donations from 16 year-olds; the Clinton campaign sets the minimum age of online donors at 18. The written joint fundraising agreement might include provisions addressing these issues, along with the other requirements of a joint fundraising committee formed under the relevant FEC regulations.