The FEC recently released the files in several closed cases (from late 2007), including the file in MUR (Matter Under Review) 5464. In MUR 5464, the complainant
alleged that money transferred by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) to the Alaska Democratic Party (ADP) exceeded the coordinated expenditure limits of the Act. ADP used funds transferred from the DSCC to start a field program that established regional offices throughout the state. Available information suggested that these offices were used to conduct campaign activity for 2004 Senate candidate Tony Knowles (AK) and that expenditures related to these efforts exceeded ADP’s maximum general election coordinated expenditure limit for Mr. Knowles. The Commission found reason to believe ADP violated the Act by making excessive coordinated expenditures on behalf of Mr. Knowles and that Tony Knowles for U.S. Senate violated the Act by receiving possible excessive contributions from ADP and failing to report them. The Commission found no reason to believe the DSCC violated the Act. After considering the circumstances of the matter, there were insufficient votes for entering into a conciliation agreement prior to a finding of probable cause to believe, and the Commission determined to close the file.
There are two Statements of Reasons in the case, one from Commissioners David Mason and Hans von Spakovsky and one from Commissioner Lenhard.