Looking for more content from Members of Congress on YouTube? Thanks to a recent rule change, your wishes have been answered.
“These new guidelines are a step in the right direction for a Congress that has been behind the technological curve for too long,” Boehner said.
Those who wish to see a more complete archive of lawmakers’ speeches can search them out directly on YouTube. Boehner’s most popular performance is alternately titled “John Boehner Crying” and “John Boehner Gets Emotional, When Talking about America.” In his House floor speech of May 2007, the Republican leader’s voice cracked as he discussed the need to support the U.S. battle against terrorism.
“And after 3,000 of our fellow citizens died at the hands of these terrorists, when are we going to stand up and take them on?” he asked.
News on the change might be on the Franking Committee’s website.