Former Ebay Chief Prepares Bid?

Meg Whitman may run for governor, according to this report.

She stepped down from the boards of eBay, Procter & Gamble Co. and DreamWorks SKG as of Dec. 31, her spokesman, Henry Gomez, said Monday. He said it was for “personal reasons and time commitments” but would not elaborate.

A person who is knowledgeable about Whitman’s political aspirations told The Associated Press that the 52-year-old Silicon Valley leader is planning to run for governor. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about her future on the record, said Whitman’s resignations are “a strong indication” that she wants to clear any commitments that might interfere with a run for political office.

She will make the announcement official in four to six weeks, he said.

Whitman is one of three Republicans who are considered front-runners in the 2010 California gubernatorial campaign. The others are state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner and former Rep. Tom Campbell.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, is prohibited from running again under the state’s term-limits law and will leave office in January 2011.

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